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Нужно сделать текст о себе с основными фразами i like; i don't like; i don't mind; i can't stand; is very impotant to me; i miss; i feel happy,relaxed,worried, confident,isolated,lonely​

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Ответы на вопрос:

my name

i like riding my bike very much.

i don't like when somebody interrupts me.

i don't mind going to the theatre.

i can't stand when somebody speaks to the mobile phone very loudly.

it's very important to me to receive high education.

i always miss my friends in the village.

i feel happy when my parents are healthy.

i am relaxed after my weekend.

i am worried about nothing.

i don't think i am quite confident.

i don't like to be isolated from my friends.

i don't feel lonely myself because i have got a very good family and reliable friends.

when will be she be able to draw puctures?

when will she be able to   go to school?

when will she be able to play football?

when will she be able todrive a car?


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