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Каковы, на ваш взгляд, сильные и слабые стороны общественных программ западников и славянофилов?

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Ответы на вопрос:

1.wales is famous for its green hills and beautiful valleys,isn't it? 2. the boys didn't take part in the cycling trip last summer, didn't they? 3.you are going to send sms to olivia, aren't you? 4. emily wants to become a journalist,does she? 5.  the participants won't plant the trees during the trip, won't they? 6. jim has already got his participant badge,has he? 7.we can join the students,can't we?
4,4(5 оценок)

"сонеты", "весенние дини",весна в фиальте"

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