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Дорогая яна,! меня зовут лена мозговая и мне 12 лет. я живу в донецке . у меня есть братья , их зовут валик и женя им за 20. наташа и саша мои бабушка и дедушка.им за 60.что ж, это все,что я могу рассказать о своей семье. пришли мне ответ скорее и расскажи о своей семье.пока , лена. на ангийском

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hello my dear yana. my name is lena mozgovaya i'm 12 years old. i'm living in donetsk. i have a two brothers their names is valik and jenya they are under 20 years old. natasha and sasha my grandma and my grandpa. they're under 60 y.o. well, that's all what i can tell about my family. please send me your answer as soon as you can and tell me about your family. bye, your lena.


They often arrange birthday parties, don't they? -yes, they do. 2) denis reads a lot about animals and birds, isn't he? -yes, he is. 3) the london tower is a well-known museum, isn't it? -yes, it is. 4) my parents are engineers, aren't they? -yes, they are. 5) they will visit buckinham palace tomorrow, won't they? -yes,they will. 6) alice arranged a wonderful party last week, didn't she? -yes, she did. 7) they wrote an interesting letter to their pen friendsyesterday, didn't they? - yes, they did. 8)tom was upset yesterday, wasn't he? -yes, he was. 9) tom and gween were in the library happy, weren't they? -yes, they were. 10) they have never been to london, have they? - no,they haven't.

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