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4complete the text with the present simple
continuous forms of the verbs given anden
i'm really angry with my brother at the moment
because he (a)
use) the computer when i want to use it. he
(not usually play) computer
games, but he (c)
(become) more
and more interested in online games at the mome
right now he (d)
(make) a new
avatar for his favourite game. it's funny because
my brother (e)
(not usually wear)
anything apart from jeans and t-shirts, but his avata
(have got) really spectacular
clothes. people (g) ( often say )that
boys (h)
(play) more computer
games than girls, but i think that (i)
(change). the only reason that l (j)
( not often play ) is besause when it's my turn to use the computer l ( k) always do ) homework on it first.oh good ! my brother (l) finish) now .lt s 5 pm and he ( m) usually play ) football with his friends at the time .my turn to use the computer at last .​

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is waiting ( present continuous)

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