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4,8(100 оценок)

Дубровский добрый герой пушкина.он был другом богатея,и стал его врагом.представляю его себе великодушным,умным,храбрым.независимый


1. there are many beautiful buildings in moscow. 2. the kremlin is situated in the centre of moscow. 3. exercise six on the next page. 4. on the 20th page is picture for oral presentation. 5. there were mistakes in his report. 6. in this article is anything interesting. 7. original painting of levitan "at the pool" is in tretyakovsky gallery. 8. there are many я не знаю как будет слово полноводные) rivers in siberia. 9. how many theatres in the sverdlova square? there are three theatres in the sverdlovsky square. 10. where is bolshoy theatre? it is situated in the sverdlova square. 11. there are many history monuments in the leningrad. 12. in many villages of russia had no schools before october revolution. как-то так). там 100% есть ошибки, но надеюсь, что хоть чем-то

1 to the drugstore / to the pharmacy / to the chemist's = в аптеку

2 you should KEEP to a diet

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