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1this is john. he a doctor.
a) am b) are c) is
2 look at this! _ _'s an elephant.
a) they b) he c) it
3 "is he italian? " "no, he __
a) isn't b) is ()'s
4 tom and bill my cousins.
a) are b) am c) is
5" is she? " -"she is my teacher".
a) who's b) what's c) who

зарание спосибо​

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Ответы на вопрос:


1. c)is


3. a)isn`t

4. c)is

5. c)who



1. a

2. c

3. a

4. a

5. с


1. he is a doctor. потому что he, she, it всегда is

2. it's an elephant. про животных мы пишем it, так как пол этого животного неизвестен

3. no, he isn't, так как это отрицание

4. tom and bill are my cousins. потому что во множественном числе

5. who is she? потому что he, she, it всегда is

1) they are often late. 2) she usually phones me on sunday. 3) he lives in stockholm. 4) how often do you go abroad? 5) i don't like spicy food. 6) it rains a lot in the spring. 7) the train arrives at 18.20 8) i lived in paris from 1980 to 1989. 9) how long ago did you meet her? 10) the perkers travelled to the usa last summer. 11) they didn't drive a car yesterday. 12) she will go to the theatre next week. 13) david will have a party tomorrow. 14)  i'll have some water. 15) bill will visit you tomorrow. 16) betty is ill. she won't go to school. 17) i studied at the university five years ago. 18) julia sealed the letter, put a stamp on it and posted it. 19) we watched tv yesterday evening. 20) it happened very quickly.

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