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1. jake is a good footballer. do you know since when football? he has been playing he plays has he been playing is he playing 2. jerry promised to come to work in time. he is not here, and he even . isn’t calling hasn't called hasn't been calling doesn’t call 3. susan is a fashion designer. now, she at a new set of clothes to be shown at a fashion show in april. works is working has been working has worked 4. their car is as good as new though they it for a number of years. have have been having are having have had 5. i don’t like alice. she about difficulties of life all the time. complains is complaining has complained has been complaining 6. there! this big heavy cloud in the sky; i am sure it’ll rain in a minute. do you see have you seen are you seeing have you been seeing 7. for many years american schools federal aid for special purposes. receive have received have been receiving are receiving 8. sara, my next door neighbour, has a car, but she it very often. doesn’t use isn’t using hasn’t used hasn’t been using 9. look here! i simply refuse to believe what you me now. are telling have been telling have told tell 10. nora, you look awfully tired. what all day? do you do are you doing have you been doing have you done 11. her family from town to town ever since she can remember. is moving has moved moves has been moving 12. about 85 percent of american students public schools, which are supported by state and local taxes. attend are attending have attended have been attending 13. my mother is a medical nurse; she takes care of sick and old people. what for a living? does your mother do is your mother doing has your mother done has your mother been doing 14. a group of scientists are travelling around africa. how many countries so far, i wonder? have they visited have they been visiting they have visited do they visit 15. it's raining, and i see you don't have an umbrella. you can borrow mine, i it now. don’t need did not need haven’t needed haven’t been needing

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. has  he been playing 2.  hasn't called 3.  is working 4.  have had 5.  is complaining 6.  do you see 7.  have been receiving 8. doesn’t use 9.  are telling   or     have told (i have some doubts) 10.  have you been doing 11.  has been moving 12.  attend 13.  does your mother do 14.  have they visited 15.  don’t need


я думаю, что может, но далеко не все смогут ее сохранить. будет небольшое количество людей, которое сможет это сделать. по началу сохранять свою идентичность народ сможет, но со временем их будет все меньше и меньше.

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