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Задайте 10 вопросов к тексту a clever trick it was a cold and stormy night. a traveller was riding a horse. it was raining cats and dogs and he was wet to the skin. he had been riding for a few hours before he could find an inn. when he entered the inn he saw a lot of people there. they were sitting in front of the fire and there wasn't a seat left for him. a good idea struck him. he called the waiter and said to him in a loud voice: "boy, take a plate of oysters to my horse." everybody was surprised. the waiter put some oysters on the plate and went out. naturally, the other people went out to see if the horse would eat the oysters. a few minutes later the waiter returned with the news that the horse had refused to eat the oysters. when the other people returned they saw that the traveller was sitting comfortably in a chair. he was warming his feet beside the fire. and suddenly everybody realized why the traveller had ordered the waiter to take the oysters to the horse.

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Ответы на вопрос:

  1) what  was the weather that night? 2) how long had the traveller been riding that night? 10) why did he need a place by the fire? 3) what did he see entering the inn? 4) what did he tell to the waiter? 5) why were the people surprised? 6) where did they go? 7) what was the waiter's  news ? 8)   what did    the other people see  when they  returned?   9) did they realize what the traveller's idea was?

Мария Кюри родилась в 1867 году. Ее мать умерла в 1877 году. Мария Кюри.

Потом она перебралась в Париж и изучала физику и математику.

Она получила степень магистра по обоим предметам.

Мария Кюри изучала уран и радиоактивные вещества.

В 1903 году она получила Нобелевскую премию по физике. В 1911 году она получила Нобелевскую премию в Париже. Мари умерла в июле 1934 года.

Мари Кюри 1867 жылы дүниеге келген. Анасы 1877 жылы қайтыс болған. Мари Кюри.

Содан кейін ол Парижге ақша тауып, физика мен математиканы оқыды.

Ол екі пән бойынша магистр дәрежесін алды.

Мари Кюри уран мен радиоактивті заттарды зерттеген.

1903 жылы физика бойынша Нобель сыйлығын жеңіп алды. 1911 жылы Парижде Нобель сыйлығын алды Мари 1934 жылы шілдеде қайтыс болды.

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