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summer is my favorite season. this summer i didn’t go anywhere either in june or july and stayed in the city almost all the time. i walked all day, bathed in quarries, spent time with family and friends. there were also very vivid memories from the campaign that i went with my friends. we spent the night in tents on the shore of the quarry, fried sausages, enjoyed the night sky. we often went to khabarovsk to our brothers, where we spent quite a lot of time together. the summer passed very quickly, but it was bright and memorable

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summer was my favorite season. that summer i didn’t go anywhere either in june or july and stayed in the city almost all the time. i walked all day, bathed in quarries, spent time with my family and friends. there were also very vivid memories from the campaign that i went with my friends. we spent the night in tents on the shore of the quarry, baked sausages, enjoyed the night sky. we often went to khabarovsk to our brothers, where we spent quite a lot of time together. the summer passed very quickly, but it was bright and memorable.

Scotland - predominantly industrial country . company focused on college scottish lowlands between the firth of forth and the firth of clyde. in this band are the main industrial centers - edinburgh and glasgow. here represented as vintage ( steel , printing and brewing ) and relatively new industry ( petrochemical , electronics and automotive) . in addition, the clydeside area , which includes glasgow suburb of shipbuilding and general engineering. light industry is partly concentrated in the cities of dundee and aberdeen, located on the north east coast of the firth of forth. in aberdeen is processed oil from fields in the north sea. перевод шотландия – преимущественно промышленная страна. предприятия сконцентрированы на средне-шотландской низменности между заливами ферт-оф-форт и ферт-оф-клайд. в этой же полосе расположены главные промышленные центры – эдинбург и глазго. здесь представлены как старинные (сталелитейная, полиграфическая и пивоваренная), так и относительно новые отрасли (, электронная и автомобилестроение). кроме того, в районе клайдсайд, включающем глазго с пригородом, развиты судостроение и общее машиностроение. легкая промышленность отчасти в городах данди и абердин, находящихся на восточном побережье севернее залива ферт-оф-форт. в абердине осуществляется переработка нефти из месторождений в северном море.

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