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Надо сделать полный синтаксический разбор предложения: часть речи, чем выражено, сделать стрелки от главного слова к второстепенному. язык в умелых руках и в опытных устах красив, певуч, выразителен, гибок , послушен, ловок и вместителен​

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My favorite sport is roller skating, because i really love high speeds. sweeping speed of the wind, tacking between passers feel completely free. of course, at first even to stand still on roller skates it was not easy - the legs went home wanting more likely to go on a long journey. numerous bruises, bruises, scratched his hands, torn jeans were the norm. over time, learned to ride on roller skates, i began to take a new "barriers": learn from the older and more experienced colleagues new moves, teach clever tricks. now rollers hidden in the closet and wait for a replacement frame, cracked after jumping from the parapet. walking on the wheels of steel a wonderful way to have fun with friends in the fresh air and gave a lot of good impressions.

Начиная драку,рыжий дворовый кот зашипел и подвывая стал медленно подходить к ничего не подозревавшему   и беспечно  хрустящему чужим кормом барсику

Популярно: Русский язык