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6. in 1830 babbage … to build a general-purpose machine.
a) proposes; b) proposed; c) has proposed; d) had proposed;
7. by the early part of the 20th century electromechanical machines … .
a) had been developed; b) developed; c) had developed; d) were developed;
8. data … a day before yesterday.
a) were being processed; b) are processed; c) processed; d) were processed;
9. we … the term “processing” meaning “data processing”.
a) had used; b) are used; c) use; d) were used;
10. processing … operation on data to convert them into useful information.
a) called; b) is called; c) calls; d) has called;

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Ответы на вопрос:

Обозначим детали первого вида за х, детали второго вида за у и составим систему уравнений: {8х+6у=29 {4у–2х=1 |•4 {8х+6у=29 {–8х+16у=4 22у=33 у=1,5 4•1,5–2х=1 –2х=–5 х=2,5 ответ: масса детали первого вида 2,5кг, масса детали второго вида 1,5кг

A)что  умеет  делать твой питомец? my  pet can swim  and run б)ты  умеешь  водить машину? no,  i can not или yes,  i  can в)ты  умеешь  говорить на ?   no,  i can not или yes,  i can г)твоя  сестра умеет готовить?   no, she can not или yes, she can д)что  ты  можешь  делать  на  вечеринке?   i  can  sind,  eat  and  dance е)когда  ты можешь позвонить своему другу? i  can phone my friend  at any time

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