14.03.2023 01:07
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Мне решить тест:
1. had he been he wouldn't have changed his mind again.

1. trivial

2. pursuit

3. subconscious

4. consistent

2. in order to do well on the exam, one must

1. strive

2. inspire

3. derive

4. content

3. not all of the test questions are difficult. the answer to some of them is succeed.

1. impulse

2. trivial

3. explicit

4. opportunity

4. you didn't eat the cake, did you?

1. derive

2. barely

3. entire

4. civilize

5. we apologize if this task is for you, but hard work is unavoidable.

1. desirable

2. consistent

3. tiresome

4. pursuit

6. i was so shocked that i was able to speak.

1. allegedly

2. compatible

3. trivial

4. barely

7. you will need to be to be able to speak directions if you don't want to get lost on your way.

1. seek

2. content

3. desirable

4. explicit

8. the new software is not with my computer.

1. frequent

2. compatible

3. tiresome

4. subconscious

9. thousands of people crossed the border, refuge from the war.

1. seeking

2. striving

3. deriving

4. civilizing

10. the eye converts light signals to nerve

1. contents

2. opportunities

3. pursuits

4. impulses

11. she could faintly hear voices as she began to

1. explicit

2. inspire

3. consciousness

4. seek

12. it was a rare to see how ordinary people lived during the world war ii.

1. desirable

2. content

3. consistent

4. opportunity

13. he many young people to take up the sport.

1. inspired

2. civilized

3. derived

4. entired

he blames himself for the accident.

1. barely

2. subconsciously

3. allegedly

4. opportunity

15. the sports car, in manchester, was found by police yesterday.

1. allegedly

2. barely

3. subconsciously

4. opportunity

16. andrea was a great influence on her husband.

1. inspiring

2. civilizing

3. entiring

4. striving​

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4,5(59 оценок)

Потому что эти заболевания получаются от грязи. болезнетворные микробы проникают в организм человека через грязные руки, немытую посуду, плохо промытые овощи и фрукты, через сырую воду и т.д.  в кишечнике эти микробы размножаются, отравляют организм человека. к желудочно – кишечным заболеваниям относится дизентерия, брюшной тиф, а также холера. симптомами таких заболеваний, в первую очередь, является температура, озноб, тошнота.

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