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Air, water, land and nuclear pollution badly damage the nature. people cut down trees and destroy the habitat of thousands of animals. as a result, many species are in danger of extinction. factories pollute our rivers and lakes with dangerous chemicals. the increasing number of cars in towns and cities has led to the growth of harmful gases in the atmosphere. there is much litter everywhere, our parks and forests are full of rubbish.there are a number of simple things we can do if we want to help our planet. for example, if we stop wasting paper and start recycling it, we’ll save some of the millions of trees which are cut down every year. we should also stop making unnecessary car journeys to cut down air pollution. governments can improve public transport so that people could use it more often. they can also pass laws to stop companies from destroying rainforests. we can create parks for endangered species of animals. people should use natural resources in a rational way and look for alternative sources of energy such as wind and solar energy.

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