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Complete the sentences with am, is, are
1) there … pears in the basket.

2) he … not a teacher. he works in the shop.

3) it’s raining in the street. i … all wet.

4) there … not any chocolate in the fridge.

5) … they americans? – no, but their mother is american.

2. answer the questions.

1) what season is the coldest? –

2) what season is it now? –

3) what’s your favorite food? –

4) why do people wear light clothes in summer? –

5) when do you have dinner with your family? –

3. choose the correct variant.

1) listen! the bird … in the tree. (sings/is singing)

2) i usually … books in the evening. (read/am reading)

3) david … to work; he is a pupil. (doesn’t go; isn’t working)

4) they … in the yard at the moment. (play; are playing)

5) … you often … trousers? (do wear; are … wearing)

4. complete the sentences with some, any.

1) there is … milk in the bottle.

2) are there … oranges in the bag?

3) there isn’t … porridge in the plate.

4) there are … carrots on the table.

5) is there … water at the front door?

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Ответы на вопрос:

1)f; 2)f; 3)f; 4)t; 5)t;   6)t; 7)f; 8) t; 9) f: 10) t.

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