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В2. переведите, используя past simple.

я нашла конфеты, но не нашла печенье.
малыш выпил сок, но не выпил молоко.
прабабушка покормила гусей, но не покормила уток.
мэри написала тест, но не написала доклад.
мальчики нарисовали голову, но не нарисовали волосы.
мама принесла мясо, но не принесла картошку.
они построили современный детский сад, но не построили игровую площадку.
он купил хлопковую рубашку
, но не купил шерстяные брюки.
мы поймали много рыбы, но не поймали крабов.

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i love fresh fruit, but don't like vegetables.

usually we look tv in the evening, but not look in the morning.

dad leads the car, but he's not riding on the bike.

anna spoke in german, but it doesn't know french.

my children sometimes playing football, but they don't play basketball.

you often drink coffee, but do not drink tea.

every summer we go on sea coast, but we don't swim in the sea.

tom always buys mineral water, but not buys juice.

our teachers have a computer, but he has no printer.

2. translate using simple past.

i found candy, but not found cookies.

baby drank juice, but did not drink milk.

the great-grandmother was fed of geese, but did not fed ducks.

mary written test, but not have written report.

the boys drew his head, but not drew hair.

mom brought meat, but not brought potatoes.

they built modern kindergarten, but not built gaming platform.

he bought cotton shirt, but not bought wool pants.

we caught a lot of fish, but not caught of crabs.

подробнее - на -

Iwas 9 years old,my mom,my family lives in shymkent,my family is happy

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