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Complete these sentences. use the following verbs + up (with any other necessary words).
choose from the list of verbs.

bring, catch, fix, give, go, keep, make, set, tidy.


1. we expect to go away on holiday sometime in july, but we haven’t with.

2. our team started the game well, but we couldn’t it and in the end we lost.

3. the country is 4 parts.

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Ответы на вопрос:


1) set up

2) keep it up

3) made up

эти каникулы я провел довольно весело.в первые дни я гулял со своими друзьями на улице.так же мы ходили в кино.в следующие дни я делал уроки.эти каникулы прошли весело и хорошо!

i spent these holidays quite fun. in the early days i was walking with my friends on the street. we also went to the cinema. in the following days i did my homework. these holidays were fun and good!

Популярно: Английский язык