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Краткое содержание для читательского дневника ,,приключение робинзона крузо,.

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4,5(95 оценок)

The cook islands consist of 15 small islands and atolls with a total area of 240 square kilometers. they are located to the north-east of new zealand, their neighbours on the water border are american samoa, niue, kiribati and french polynesia.     the cook islands are divided into two groups: north and south. rarotonga (part of the southern group) is the most populous island and has the largest area. on the north coast of the island is the capital of the whole archipelago kurskogo — "the city of two harbors" avarua. cook islands are in free confederation with new zealand, i.e. they preserve their independence and sovereignty, but many of the functions of government assigned to a large state. dominant role in the economy of the islands is given over to tourism, agriculture and financial sector. cook islands got its name in honor of the english explorer james cook, and named the archipelago the least well-known explorer, our compatriot, ivan fedorovich kruzenshtern. by the way, about james cook. despite the current and firmly settled in people's minds the view that english traveler ate the natives of the cook islands, this is not true. cook was killed in hawaii. visiting the cook islands, you will be able to personally refute this version of fate of an englishman. here you will meet cheerful and good-natured people!
4,8(11 оценок)



ромео в до встречи и знакомства с джульеттой был несерьезный и легкомысленный и ветреный авантюрист. еще он был влюбчивым, так как раньше был влюблен в другую девушку розалину и грезил ею. он был молодым и азартным. поэтому он проник в дом джульетты на , тем самым подтверждая, что он любитель приключений.

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