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as long back as i can remember i always liked football. i like playing football and watching it discussing players, coaches, trainers and judges. my father took me to football lessons when i was 6 and i was the smallest player in the team and other boys were already 7-8 years old. right now i’m 12 and i hope i can become a professional player one day. i understand that i need to train a lot and work on myself all the time.

i’ve made some progress already, for example, i play for my school team even though most of the team players are 13-14 years old. last year we couldn’t get any medals but i’m sure we are going to do better this year.

Whose book is it? правила постановки специального вопроса: вопросительное слово+ глагол (или глагол-связка, как в данном случае) или модальный глагол (will, can, may, must и др.) или have/has/had (если время present/past perfect) + подлежащее + остальные члены предложения здесь вопросительное слово состоит из двух (чья книга whose book), поэтому если по схеме то вопросительное слов (whose book)+ глагол-связка (is)+подлежащее (it) вот и получается whose book is it?

Популярно: Английский язык