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New round up 4 exam zone 9
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cyprus, or as it 1 is officially called, the republic of cyprus, lies in 2 the mediterranean sea just south of turkey and west of syria and lebanon. the island has had human inhabitants 3 since approximately the 10th millennium bc, and is home to the unesco world heritage site of choirokoitia, 4 an ancient village. apart from this well-known site, cyprus is renowned for the oldest water wells 5 in the world and the tombs of 6 the kings. interestingly, the cypriots, the people of cyprus, were one of the first peoples to domesticate cats. cyprus has had 7 a troubled history, but it gained independence from britain 8 on august 16th,   1960. the cypriots speak two languages, greek and turkish. most cypriots 9 also speak english. cyprus is a highly developed country and it receives millions of visitors 10 from around the world every year.

1. i must go. i am meeting my sister at the school gate. 2. my pen friend is coming next week. he is arriving at the airport at 2.30 on tuesday. 3. martin is gong out with lizzie this evening. they are going to the cinema. 4. the raidders are not playing on the 4th. they've got a free weekend.

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