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Вставьте артикли, где это необходимо.
1. weather is fine today. let’s go for a walk. i enjoy walking in good weather.
2. i can say i feel great respect for this man.
3. doesn’t he understand that he is talking nonsense?
4. this is very interesting news. i would say news is shocking.
5. first of all you must think about health.
6. advice he gave me was useful indeed. he is clever man and always gives good advice.
7. what he needs now is luck and i’m sure he will achieve success.
8. you’ve made great progress this year and got deep knowledge of the subject.
9. it was fun to watch children playing.
10. work must be done in time. it’s urgent work.

Посмотреть ответы 1

Ответы на вопрос:

1.i am not going to stay at home. я не буду оставаться дома

2.you are not going to sing another adele song. ты не будешь петь другие песни адель

3.my family is not going to move house.моя семья не собирается переезжать в новый дом

4.harry is not going to go to school today. гарри не пойдет сегодня в школу

5.we are not going to watch a musical. мы не пойдем смотреть мюзикл

6.the teachers are not going to go home. эти учителя не собираются идти домой

7.my parents are not going to buy a new car. мои родители не собираются покупать новую машину

8.your brother is not going to take any exams. твой брат не сдаст ни один экзамен

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