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Поставьте глаголы в предложениях в нужную форму настоящего простого времени (утверждение, отрицание или вопрос).
1. mary (wake up) at 7 o`clock.
2. she ) to the bathroom and ) a shower.
3. (prepare) breakfast for her and her sister? -no, she
4. every day mary ) her dog for a walk in the park.
5. (go) for a walk in the park near their house? - yes, they
6. mary (not/go) to school by bus.
7. she ) lunch at school.
8. she /do) her homework at night.

Посмотреть ответы 2

Ответы на вопрос:

1 wakes up

2 go / has

3 does she prepare / no, she does not

4 takes

5 do they go / yes they go

6 mary does not go..

7 has

8 does not do

My guitar  was ok yesterday, but it's no good today. i can t..play my quitar. my camera was ok yesterday,but it's _ no good today. i..can't use my camera. my shoes were ok yesterday,but they no good today. i..can't wear my shoes. my book _was_ ok yesterday,but it's no good today. 't  read my book

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