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Ix.расположите по порядку: a) предложения в которых ing- форма является причастием; b) предложения, в которых ing- форма является герундием. 1.in this picture you can see a young man giving flowers to a girl. 2.john likes studying history. 3.kunning water is always better than standing water. 4.mary could retell the story without looking into the book. 5.reading books out-of-doors is his favourite way of spending the summer holidays. 6.before going to meet his friend he went home to change his clothes. x.вставьте частицу “to”перед инфинитивом, где необходимо. переведите предложения. 1.i like … play the guitar. 2.my brother can … speak english. 3.they wanted … cross the river. 4.it is high time for you … go to bed. 5.they heard the girl … cry out with joy. 6.let me … help you with your homework. 7.may i … use your telephone? 8.he did not want … play in the yard any more. vii.переведите следующие предложения, определите в каком времени употреблено сказуемое, образуйте вопросительную и отрицательную формы. 1.by the first of may i shall have been reading the book for a fortnight. 2.i have been living in the house since my birth. 3.he has never heard such music. 4.she told us that they had returned. 5.they will have built this school by september.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. yesterday she bought new skirt. 2. the right answer was chosen by us. 3. yesterday she came home. 4. how much does the camera cost? 5. the strawberries were cut for the salad.

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