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Раскройте скобки, употребив нужную видо-временную форму глагола.i. i (live) in moscow before i (go) to st. petersburg. 2. he (lose) the key of his house and now he has to climb through the window. 3. cuckoos (not, build) nests. they ( use) the nests of other birds. 4. he usually (drink) coffee but now he (drink) tea.5.i can't understand this letter. i (call) my son. he (translate) it for you. 6. george (come)? - yes. he ( when he ( come)? - he (come) 10 minutes ago. 7. polly (be) to england for two years. she is working there and (like) it very much.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1 had lived,went

2 has lost

3 don't build,use

4 drinks,is drinking

5 will call.will translate

6 has george come? yes,he has.when did he come? he came 10 minutes ago.

7 has been.likes

1 Did u read this status? No, i only started to read it

2 When does he moved in moscow. He moved here yesterday in the evening

3 He will never see this performance, but he reads too much about this

4 When does your friend came home? He came home in 7 o'clock yesterday

5 When were the last time you played tennis? I haven't played tennis in a long time

6 Construction of this house began last spring

7 When was the last time your brother wrote to you? He hasn't written to me since this winter

8 He was in Spanish? No, he he has never been to this country

9 When you bought this new flat? We bought it a month ago

10 We've been living in this city since we moved here

11 Did you like this article? I haven't read it yet

12 Have you read the papers lately? No, I was very busy

13 My best friend moved to another city three months ago

14 I haven't seen him for about a month

15 Have you seen this movie yet? Yes, I saw him last week


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