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Составить косвенный вопрос: в своём письме ты спросил,есть ли в моем городе музеи?

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Ответы на вопрос:

in your letter you asked if there were any museums in my town.

1) Поставь имя прилагательное в нужную степень сравнения (сравнительную или превосходную) и запиши предложения:

1. My essay is much (longer) than yours.

2. The London underground is the (oldest) in the world.

3. This is the (biggest) island in the world.

4. For me she is the (most beautiful) girl on Earth!

2) Выбери нужную форму глагола и запиши предложения: The Present, Past or Future Simple:

1. I (will not go) there next year.

2. We usually (do not have) good weather in this time of the year.

3. She (got) a good mark at the exam last week.

4.Granddad (is) always happy if we (visit) him.

5. I hope all students (will pass) their exams.

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