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1. використайте дієслова в дужках у past simple або past continuous. речення перекладіть. 1.when i (walk) …… into the busy office, the secretary (talk) …… on the phone with a customer, several clerks (work, busily) …… at their desks, and two managers (discuss, quietly) …… methods to improve customer service. 2.i (watch) …… a mystery movie on tv when the electricity went out. now i am never going to find out how the movie ends. 3. sharon (be) …… in the room when john told me what happened, but she didn’t hear anything because she (listen, not) …… . 4. it’s strange that you (call) …… because i (think, just) …… about you. 5.the titanic (cross) …… the atlantic when it (strike) …… an iceberg. 6.when i entered the bazaar, a couple of merchants (bargain, busily) …… and (try) …… to sell their goods to naïve tourists who (hunt) …… for souvenirs. some young boys (lead) …… their donkeys through the narrow streets on their way home. a couple of men (argue) …… over the price of a leather belt. i (walk) …… over to a man who (sell) …… fruit and (buy) …… a banana. 2. закінчіть речення, використовуючи since або for. 1. i haven’t seen you … (a week, ages). 2. we’ve been here … (an hour, the new year). 3. they have lived in that street … (1996, the last ten years). 4. i haven’t had time to practice my piano … (holidays, a month). 5. it hasn’t rained here … (you left, two weeks). 6. i haven’t been to the cinema … (a long time, may). 7. we haven’t met … (we left school, a few years). 3. виберіть might, must, mustn’t, needn’t or ought. речення перекладіть. a: i want to go for a walk this afternoon. do you want to come? b: yes! i ……… have something to eat first, though. i’m really hungry. a: jamie ……… come too. he hasn’t decided yet. b: ok. are you going for a long walk? a: i don’t know. we ……… go very far if you don’t want to. b: ok. i ……… get back too late as i’ve got some work to do. a: that’s fine. i ……… to do some work too. but let’s go for a walk first! 4.розкрийте дужки, вживаючи дієслова у потрібному часі. 1. i thought that you (to arrive) at some decision. 2. we did not remember that he (to repeat) that speech from memory.3. he believed that a fine memory (to be) absolutely necessary for that post. 4. i did not know if you (to apply) for this job. 5. they said they (to work) 7 hours a day. 6. he promised that he (to give) a lecture in near future. 7. i did not know how my bag (to disappear).8. the teacher said he (to call on) the students in alphabetical order. 9. did she say that there (to be) a lot of mistakes in your composition? 10. did she find out that he (to come) late at night? 11. she asked me if i (to get on) well with my classes. 12. i was sure that his brother (to leave) home. 13. she discovered that we (to be taken) by surprise. 14. did they decide that they (to leave) for kyiv? 5. запишіть речення, погоджуючи часи дієслів. 1. if i … (to be free) tomorrow night, i … (to go) to the concert. 2. he says he … (to look in) to see us before he … (to leave) our town. 3. jane … (to stay) at home until she … (to feel), better. 4. when … you … (to visit) your grandma? – probably next year. 5. when my brother … (to finish) school he (to go) to college. 6. i … (to tell) you as soon as i … (to know). 7. i’d like to know when dan … (to be back). 8. give my love to laura if you … (to see) her. 9. i … (not to know) when she … (to take) her exam. 10. i don’t think we … (to finish) our work in time unless you … (to help) us. 11. i … (to give) you my bike for tomorrow providing you … (to bring) it back the day after tomorrow. 12. mother says we … (to have dinner) after she … (to unpack) our things. 13. don’t get off the train until it … (to stop). 14. you may take this book so long as you … (not to keep) it too long. 15. your boss … (to give) you the day off on condition that you … (to work) on saturday morning. 16. provided that they … (not to do) anything stupid, they … (to win) tonight's match easily. 17. unless he … (to arrive) soon, we … (to have to) go without him. 13. i … (to wonder) if they … (to follow) our advice.

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