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Прошу, там будет 1 из этих вопросов, нужно как можно подробнее каждый вопросвопросы для устной части экзамена: 2. what are the best things about life in the 21st century? 3. speak about one everyday invention. what is it used for? would you like to use a robot? why? 4. describe you best friend. what traits of character do they have? what are the difficulties in your relationship? 5. what are the advantages and disadvantages of living in a big family? what family do you have? 6. is it important to play sport? why? what sport would you like to do? 7. are you healthy? what would you do to become healthier? 8. why amusement parks attract so many people? what about you? what is you favourite attraction in a theme park? 9. what do you think about your style? how would you describe it? do you judge people by the way they look like? 10. what is more difficult to change? your character or appearance? why? give examples to prove your point of view., престиж школа, прошу, . нужны нормальные развернутые ответыпрошу

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Galexander pushkin is famous for being russia are a test poet, novelist and playwright. pushkin was born on june 6, 1799 in moscow. he got his education from the imperial lyceum in tsarskoe selo. pushkin began writing when he was only six years old. his first poem was published in the journal the messenger of europe in 1814 when he was fifteen years old. there are many famous works written by pushkin such as ruslan and ludmila, the captain's daughter, eugene onegin, and many more. the captain's daughter novel was set in russia during the reign of catherine the great at the time of pugachev's rebellion in 1773-1774. in this novel he described the fife of an honourable man pyotr anreyich grinyov, who was sent into military service by his father. the he met his captain daughter masha and fell in love with her but this caused a rift between pyotr and his fellow officer shvabrin later on during pugachev's rebellion, pyotr was accused of having friendly relations with pugachev because shvabrin testified that pyotr was a traitor. pushkin died on january 29, 1837 at the age of thirty-seven. he was honoured by his contemporaries for being a remakble novelist. yes, they are still very popular.

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