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Нужно решить тест по . john said, ‘i’m sorry to disturb you, eliza.’ a john told that he was sorry to disturb eliza. в john told eliza he was sorry to disturb her. с john said to eliza he had been sorry to disturb her. 2. he said, ‘where is jill going? ’ a he asked where was jill going. в he asked where jill is going. с he asked where jill was going. 3. sally said, ‘i would like to buy it.’ a salty said that she would like to buy it. вsally said she would have liked to buy it. сsally said that she liked to buy it. 4. ‘if i had any instructions, i would know what to do,’ said mag. a mag said that if she had had any instructions she would have known what to do. в mag said if she had any instructions she knew what to do. с mag said that if she had any instructions she would know what to do. 5. robby asked, ‘ bobby, do you know the old barn hotel? it’s on the carl road.’ a robby asked bobby if he knew the old bam hotel that was on the carl road. в robby asked bobby did he know the old bam hotel; it was on carl road. с robby asked bobby where the old bam hotel was. 6. the doctor asked, ‘how do you feel? ’ a the doctor asked how did i feel. в the doctor asked how i felt. с the doctor asked how i had felt. 7. ‘will you be free tomorrow? ’ colin asked richard. a richard asked would colin be free the next day. в colin asked richard if he would be free the following day. с colin asked if richard will be free tomorrow. 8. ‘don’t open the door or answer the phone,’ said her par­ents. a her parents said to her not to open the door or answer the phone. в her parents told her not to open the door and to answer the phone. с her parents told her neither to open the door nor to answer the phone. 9. ‘why hasn’t he locked the car door? ’ the policeman said. a the policeman asked why he hadn’t locked the car door. в the policeman asked why hadn’t he locked the car door. с the policeman asked why he didn’t lock the car door. 10. the students said, ‘we wish our exams were over.’ a the students said they wished their exams had been o\er. в the students said that they wished their exams have been over. с the students said they wished their exams were over. 11. tom said, ‘jerry has been my best friend since our early childhood.’ a tom told jerry that he had been his best friend since their early childhood. в tom said that jerry has been my best friend since our early childhood. с tom said that jerry had been his best friend since their early childhood. 12. ‘where is the nearest bus stop? ’ the old man addressed a policeman. a the old man asked where was the nearest bus stop. в the old man asked a policeman where the nearest bus stop was. с the old man told a policeman where the nearest bus stop was. 13. the teacher said to us, ‘be quiet, please.’ a the teacher asked us be quiet. в the teacher told us to be quiet. с the teacher said to us to be quiet. 14. ‘could you show me these jeans, please? ’ said the boy. a the boy said to show him those jeans. в the boy asked to show him those jeans. с the boy asked if the salesgirl could show him these jeans. 15. ‘if i were you, i’d stop smoking,’ jeff said. a jeff said that if he were him he would have stopped smoking. в jeff said that if he had been him he would stop smoking. с jeff advised him to stop smoking.

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