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Причастие. независимый причастный оборот 1)the professor told the students about the experiments being carried. 2)having looked through all the documents and letters received that day he called his secretary. 3)squeezed by the ice the steamer could not continue her way. 4)she showed us a list of the newly published books. 5)lake baikal known to be the deepest in the world is fed by 336 rivers. 6)the sun having risen they continued their way. 7)the talks between the two countries were conducted behind the closet doors measyres having been taken that no correspondent should receive any information.

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Модальные глаголы в :   - не имеют окончаний типа -s, -es;   - после них употребляется обычный глагол без частицы -to(исключение: have to и некоторые др.); примеры:   my mum can cook very tasty food. i have to help my little sister. we must do it very quickly. they should be more attentive. 

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