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hobby is a favourite occupation of a person in his free time. i have many friends. they are very different and they have different kinds of hobbies.

  one of my girl-friends, for example, likes to knit very much. another girl-friend of mine spends all her free time sewing things: skirts, blouses, dresses. she makes it nicely and she always looks fine.

  one of my friends likes to make everything with his own hands. he can repair an iron, a radio-set, or a tape-recorder. i think it's a very good hobby.

  many people are very fond of collecting. some collect old coins, others collect post-cards. as for me, my hobby is collecting stamps. now i have 5 albums full of stamps.

  i like to sit at the table in the evening and arrange new stamps in the albums or just look through the stamps. each stamp has a story to tell about distant countries and new people.

  i see pictures of people, birds and animals which i have never seen. kings and presidents pass before my eyes and i can follow the history of whole nations.

  my hobby is not only wonderful but is also very useful.

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