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Replace the infinitives in brackets by the necessary tense-form: 1. last year our family (to stay) at the metropol hotel. 2. it (to be) a many-storeyed building with all modern conveniences. 3. as for me i (to prefer) to reserve a room in advance. 4. if we (to engage a room) at this hotel next time we (to reserve) a suite. 5. while you (to fill) in the form at the reception desk the porter (to take) your things upstairs. 6. he informed the receptionist he (to vacate) the room in due time and (to ask) to get his bill ready.

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Ответы на вопрос:


1. stayed

2. was

3. prefer

4. engage a room,shall reserve

5. are filling,will take  

6. would vacate,asked

I  must  hurry  to catch the last train.  .you  must  phone  home at once.  .he  must  be  at school now.   .i  must  do  it tomorrow.you  must  be back  at 2 o’clock..you  must  meet  them at the station. may  i  help  you?   may  i  open  the window?   may  i  take  this book?   may/might  i  use  your phone?   i  can  swim  across this river.   i  am able  to swim  across this river   he  can  speak  english..she  can  do  it..he  can  help  you. = he  is able  to help  you. you  might  come  to see me.  you  might  go  and  help  him..you  might  tell  me what he said.he  will probably come   tomorrow.

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