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Identify the construction. transform the sentences from active into passive voice.

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Ответы на вопрос:

Anew car will be bought by my father next year. 15 minutes for the test was given to us by the teacher. a lot of money are paid by the tourists. three tickets were given me by them. the task should be done by you. the gallery has been visited by the tourists whole day. the tea is adored be the english people.

Южная по территории южной африки протекают реки лимпопо и замбези. обе относятся к бассейну индийского океана, так как в него. южную африку, как и весь материк омывают два океана: атлантический и индийский..

Запланированное действие.


Используется Pr. Cont.

Популярно: Английский язык