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Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в одном из следующих времен: present simple, past simple,future simple; present continuous, past continuous; present perfect, past perfect.1. my friend (to like) pies. he (to eat) pies everyday. when i (to meet) him in the street yesterday,he (to eat) a pie. he (to tell) me that he (to buy) thatpie at the corner of the street. look at my friendnow! he (to eat) a pie again. 2. i always (to come) toschool at a quarter to nine. 3. yesterday i (to come)to school at ten minutes to nine. 4. tomorrow nick(not to go to the cinema because he (to go) to the cin-ema yesterday. he already (to be) to the cinema thisweek. he (to stay) at home and to play) a computergame. 5. what your brother (to do) now? ​

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Ответы на вопрос:

Story of Major Grom revolves around the adventures of the titular character, Major Igor Grom, a police detective of the St Petersburg police department, and the various cases he solves.

Major Igor Grom is the lead character of the series. He is a police detective with the St. Petersburg major crimes unit.

Police Major Igor Grom is known throughout St. Petersburg for his penetrative character and irreconcilable attitude towards criminals of all stripes.

Outside of work, he is a skilled martial artist and participates in amateur boxing competitions

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