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Какой из этих переводов составлен правильно с точки зрения времён.ну то есть правильно времена применили несчастный случай. это была уютная и чистая кухня. солнце сияло сквозь чистые стекла, пол блестел, на плите кипел чайник, и толстый черный любимец миссис браун сладко спал на подоконнике. миссис браун сидела в кресле и читала. вдруг сильный взрыв потряс маленький домик. миссис браун взглянула в окно. по улице бежали люди. кто-то крикнул: «это на фабрике! котел взорвался! » миссис браун побледнела, закрыла лицо руками и опустилась в кресло. ее муж работал в котельной. «я была ему плохой женой, - подумала она, - только вчера я выбранила его за то, что он не вытер ноги, когда вошел в кухню. а теперь я его никогда не увижу.» хлопнула дверь. кто-то вошел в комнату. «не плачь, мэри! - услышала она голос мужа, - ничего особенного не случилось. никто не ранен.» мисси браун подняла голову. «о, стивен! - сказала она,- сколько раз я тебе говорила: вытирай ноги, когда входишь в дом! » an accident. первый it was a very cozy and clean kitchen. the sun was shining through clean glass, the floor was glittering, the kettle was boiling on the stove, and mrs brown`s thick black pet slept on the windowsill. mrs brown was sitting in a chair and reading. suddenly a loud explosion shook the small house. mrs. brown looked out of the window. people were running along the street. someone shouted: "it's at the factory! the boiler exploded! " mrs. brown turned pale, covered her face with her hands and sat into a chair. her husband worked in the boiler room. "i was a bad wife for him,- she thought,- only yesterday i scolded him because he hadn't wiped his feet when he had come into the kitchen. and now i'll never see him again." the door is slammed. someone entered the room. "don't cry, mary! - she heard her husband's voice,- nothing special happened. anyone wasn`t hurt." mrs. brown raised her head. "oh, steven! - she said,- " how many times i told you to wipe your feet when entering the house! " второй accident. it was very cozy and pure kitchen. the sun shone through pure glasses, a floor shone, on a plate the teapot boiled, and the fat black favourite mrs. brown slept with pleasure on a window sill. mrs. brown sat in a chair and read. suddenly strong explosion has shaken a small lodge. mrs. brown has looked in a window. down the street people ran. someone has shouted: "it at factory! the copper has blown up! " mrs. brown has turned pale, has hidden the face in hands and has fallen to a chair. her husband worked in a boiler room. "i was to him a bad wife, - she has thought, - only yesterday i have given a good telling-off him for the fact that he hasn't walked when he has entered into kitchen. and now i will never see him." i have slapped a door. someone has entered the room. "don't cry, mary! - she has heard the husband's voice, - anything special didn't happen. nobody is wounded." missie brown has raised the head. "oh, stephen! - she has told, - how many times i spoke to you: walk when you enter the house! "

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