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5. change the following sentence according to the pallern. pattern: he usually has breakfast at seven, but today he is having breakfast at eight. 1). she usually wears classucal clothes, but today casual clothes. 2). they usually have lunch at the office, but today lunch in a cafe. 3). i usually spend weekends at home, but now i together with my friends. 4). they usually travel to some asian countries for the vacation, but this time they around europe. 6. use the past continuous or the future continuous instead of the infinitives in brackets. i). when i got up this morning, the sun (to . 2)i (to for you on the corner at the usual time tomorrow morning. 3). if you come before six, i still (to in my garden. 4). she (to with mr. smith when i saw her in the hall. 5). at this time next year he (to at the university. 6). kids (to in the garden with the dog when i came home.

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да правильно будет я думаю так

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