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Вопросы для обсуждения кейса: 1. систематизируйте основные инструменты, предлагаемые для исполнения указа президента рф. 2. проанализируйте налоговые меры финансирования мероприятий указа. согласны ли вы с тем, что они несут в себе риск увеличения инфляции? прокомментируйте экспертные оценки возможного роста цен. 3. проанализируйте возможности использования государственных заимствований для финансирования мероприятий указа. выскажите свое отношение к экспертным оценкам данных инструментов. 4. проанализируйте различные эффекты повышения пенсионного возраста.

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Ответы на вопрос:

everybody knows that   sport is healthy. it helps to keep fit. but what is about professional sportsmen. are they healthy?

  on one hand, professional sportsmen   are full of life strong people with good health.   but on the other hand, the main part of their life is the professional traumas.   everybody knows   a story of one boxer, named muhammad ali. he was the winner of the olympics in 1960. he   won 51 out of 56 combats. he   was the real master of boxing. but the price for that was very high - he got parkinson disease at the age of 40.

another problem is dope. sportsmen use it to win the first places and gold medals. but   they don’t know if   it will bring no harm in future .for example, body   builders use the steroids to gain muscles. but is it very harmful for them. they can have problems with health in future.

sportsmen are forced to retire young.   to be sportsmen is not meant to be healthy. it is a hard job. you can be popular, you can win a lot of medals, you can be rich but what you will have in future nobody knows.

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