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1. напишите форму present perfect simple + - ? 2. напишите форму present perfect continuous + - ? 3. распеределите слова-маркеры for, already, just, how long, since, for 2 hours, ever, never present perfect simple: present perfect continuous: 4. выполните тест 1. i … for you all day. where have you been? 2. she says she … this man for ages. a) was looking a) has known b) have looked b) has been knowing c) looked c) was knowing d) have been looking d) have been looking 3. mrs. stone as a teacher for twenty years. 4. you look upset. what … to you? a) work a) has been happening b) worked b) has happened c) has been working c) happens d) is working d) had happened 5. no, thank you, i don’t smoke. i … up. 6. do you know where … ? a) gave a) has she gone b) have been giving b) has she been going c) have given c) she has been going d) have been given d) she has gone 7. "sorry, i"m late" - "that"s all right. i long." 8. do you really think her english … since she started chool? a) have not been waiting a) improves b) have not waited b) has been improving c) have not been waited c) has improved d) have not waiting c) has improved

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Ответы на вопрос:

1) 2al + cr2o3 > 2cr + al2o3 2) 2na + 2h2o = 2naoh + h2 3) fe + 2hcl = fecl2 + h2 fe + 2h(+) + = fe(2+) + + h2 fe + 2h(+) = fe(2+) + h2 4) cu + 4hno3 (конц.) = cu(no3)2 + 2no2 + 2h2o 5) fe + cuso4 = cu + feso4 fe + cu(2+) + so4(2-) = cu + fe(2+) + so4(2-) fe + cu(2+) = cu + fe(2+) 6) 2al + 2naoh + 6h2o = 2na[al(oh)4] + 3h2 2al + 2na(+) + + 6h2o = 2na(+) + 2[al(oh) + 3h2 2al + + 6h2o = [al(oh) + 3h2


1. +: i (/he, she, it, they) have/has v3/ed

-: i(/he she it the we) have not/ has not ved/3

? : have/has i/(you we he she it they) ved/3

3. present perfecr simple: already, just, , since, ever, never

present perfect cont.: for, how long, for 2 hours

He has finished training.

We have watched all matches this season.

That's amazing! She has run fifteen kilometers this morning!

Oh, no! I have lost my money!

My mum has wrote shopping list. It's on the kitchen table.

Dad, you have eate my biscuit!

Tom's my best friend. I have known him for three years.

They have lived in Miami for two years.

Brad has lived in Chicago since 1998.

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