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Complete the second sentence so that it has thesame meaning as the first sentence. use the verbs inbrackets in the correct form.1 a coat isn't necessary today. (need) today.2 there's a party at the youth centre now. (have) at the youthcentre now. 3 is this bangle yours? (belong) to you? 4 i might go to the festival after all but i'm not sure.(think) going to the festival.5 sean is very handsome in his new suit. (look) in his new suit. ​

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Who does the cooking in your family? my mum does. who does the ironing in your family? my older sister does. who does the laundry in your family ? my mum does. who sweeps the floor in your family? i do. who fixes things in your family? my dad does. who tidies up your room? i do.

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