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6.1. переведите предложения со сложными формами инфинитива и определите их форму. 1. i only want to be given my chance. 2. i was pleased at last to have come to the exhibition. 3. every man wants to be considered as a well-educated person. 4. не was sorry to have gone there so early. 5. this work must be finished today. 6. i don’t want to be disturbed. 7. she was glad to be helped by me. i didn’t expect to be invited. 8. i seem to be waiting in vain. 9. it’s nice to be sitting here now with you. 10. it was pleasant to be driving a car again. 11. i am glad to have done it. 12. he seems to have come at home. 13. he must have done it. 14. he should have helped her. 15. i could have crossed that river. 16. i hoped to have found him at home. 17. i meant to have phoned you. 18. he felt to have been deceived. 19. she seems to have been asked about it. 20. i know him to have been learning french for many years. 21. for the last few days she seemed to have been talking to nobody.

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Ответы на вопрос:


1. я только хочу, чтобы мне дали шанс.

2. я был рад наконец-то прийти на выставку.

3. каждый человек хочет, чтобы его считали образованным человеком.

4. - извини, что пришел так рано.

5. эта работа должна быть закончена сегодня.

6. я не хочу, чтобы меня беспокоили.

7. она была рада моей . я не напрашиваюсь.

8. кажется, я жду напрасно.

9. приятно сидеть здесь с тобой.

10. было приятно снова вести машину.

11. я рад, что сделал это.

12. кажется, он пришел домой.

13. должно быть, он это сделал.

14. он должен был ей.

15. я мог бы пересечь реку.

16. я надеялся застать его дома.

17. я хотел позвонить тебе.

18. он чувствовал себя обманутым.

19. кажется, ее об этом спрашивали.

20. я знаю, что он изучал французский много лет.

21. последние несколько дней она, казалось, ни с кем не разговаривала.


Our life in the large city is more beautiful than the country or in the town. first of all there are no any conveniences  in country houses. the second reason is that in a large city we have many ways of   getting an education such as a great number of different  schools, colleges, institutes and universities and there are many  big shopping centers  in a  large city too.  you can easily find any job in a large city because there many plants andfactories  in it. if you are ill you can go to a big  hospital  and get any medical help. and at last there are many places where we can have a fun,   for example cinemas and theatres, clubs,  parks,  squares.  that is why i would like to live in a large city. 

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