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Нужно вставить тэг. 1)in a year you will 2)you are not afraid of 3) your dad is not 4)you are often i' 5) nick is from 6)the professor was 7)they were glad to meet 8)i am a second-year student 9) your mum is 10)their house is a) wasn't he b) isn't it c) weren't they d) am i not e) aren't you f) is he g) are you home) wan't you i) isn't he j) isn't she

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Ответы на вопрос:

If we lived in a perfect world, there would be no voyn.vse people would be kind and poryadochnymi.ne be thieves, murderers, and other prestupnikov.podlost would disappear from the face of zemli.u everything was there in the material plane.to there would be no division into the rich and social steps bednyh.chelovechestvo be educated in all respects, both in science and in relations between them. there has come to the state of nirvana, where all the respect, love and understand each other

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