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За знамашинострои в свя18. the boys thea) didn't spent19. the fishermena) catch20. this boat exa) isn't6. when are you going to brazil? -a) in south america.b) by ship.c) in july.7. how your trip to asia? a) wereb) wasc) are8. they see a shark in the ocean? a) didb) werec) was9. fred always take his dog to the mountains? a) didb) doc) does10. i think travelling by train is way of travelling.a) more comfortableb) the most comfortablec) the comfortablest11. bikes are than motorbikes.a) more cheaper b) the cheapest c) cheaper12. my trip to the jungle was trip in my life.a) the bestb) betterc) the worse13. i don't think we the desert tomorrow.a) crossedb) will cross c) are crossing14. are you going to travel to asia? - by plane.a) whatb) wherec) how15. over the ocean now.a) flyb) will fly c) am flying16. where alan usually go in summer? a) didb) doesc) is17. ride a camel? a) can youb) you can c) are you​

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