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__ 1. paper, printing and new universities spread renaissance ideas. 2. the ideas of the italian renaissance and the ideas of the northern renaissance were the same. _ 3. unlike miguel de cervantes who wrote in the language the common people used, william shakespeare wrote all his pieces in latin. 4. johann gutenberg invented a printing press. 5. the first book printed was the devine comedy. 6. travelers and artists helped spread renaissance through europe. 7. using animal skin instead of paper was cheaper and easier to prepare. 8. although only men could attend universities, many noble families educated their daughters at home. 9. by 1300s some northern italian towns had become big trading centres. 10. marco polo visited japan and the surrounding islands. сделайте, ! здесь надо поставить правда это или ложь.

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Usually i get up at 7 o'clock. i wash, dress and go to the kitchen. at breakfast i eat porridge, a sandwich and i drink tea. usually i have 5-6 lessons. in 2-3 hours i rest. then i do lessons. we have dinner in 6 hours. my mom usually cooks meat or fish with potatoes. i read and watch tv, i draw, then at 10 o'clock i go to bed. ну,как то так.

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