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Vii. translate the given sentences into english. 1. чтобы они делали, если бы я вчера не одолжил им денег. 2. она бы не отправила сына в школу, если бы знала, что он болен. 3. если бы они пришли вчера на спектакль раньше, они бы смогли занять лучшие места. 4. если ты хорошо попросишь брата, он отремонтирует твой велосипед. 5. если ты поедешь в австралию, тебе необходимо иметь визу.

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Ответы на вопрос:


1. what would they do if i did not lend them money yesterday?

2. she would not have sent her son to school if she knew that he was ill.

3.if they had come to the show yesterday, they would have been able to take better places.

4. if you ask your brother well, he will repair your bike.

5. if you go to australia, you need to have a visa


At lessons we practise reading, speech, письме. 2) you can consult with all new words? - it is final. i can remember twenty new words for однир time. 3. do not use these old books, the new information about компьютерах. 4 is necessary to you. the word memorise is related to a word memory. 5. before to go on a lesson, convince of that that you have put in a portfolio all необходимое. 6. what do you think concerning the new textbook? - th нахжу its very useful. 7. in my opinion, it is very difficult to learn separate words, to learn them in a context much easier. 8. the average (usual) pupil can read and understand this text. 9. what old-fashioned not use it. 10. you are disappointed by results of the control? it is very a pity to me. but i think that you should practise the

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