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Дополните предложеение - my and i went to the superquiz. the tree monsters went to the too. we answered some ! we very happy. hooray! (место точек поставте слова)

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my  friend and i went to the superquiz. the tree monsters went to the  superquiz too. we answered some  questions ! we  were very happy. hooray!

He … ( went) to africa in 1995 and he … ( liked) that trip very much. my sister usually … ( likes) her steak well-done. the cat … ( ate) its toy last evening. the doctor … ( talked) to his patient on monday morning. did they … ( have) a test last month? i often … ( see) his brother but he never … ( speaks) to me. the director … ( spoke) to the employees three hours ago. the man … ( domesticated) the dog many years ago. my friend … ( spends) a lot of money every day. the woman … ( drove) to the shop last sunday. my parents … ( left) for paris last thursday. his brother … ( leaves) for tokyo every august. i don’t like my boss because he often … ( raises) voice at me. her mother never … ( drinks). the cat usually … (leaves) its house when it’s thirsty or hungry.

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