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Определите, какую сумму должен заплатить предприниматель, если он берет кредит размере 50 тыс. грн на два года с начислением про- стих процентов. кредитная ставка составляет 14% годовых визначте , яку суму має сплатити підприємець , якщо він бере кредит розмірі 50 тис . грн на два роки з нарахуванням про- стих відсотків . кредитна ставка становить 14 % річних

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4,6(37 оценок)

Indonesia distinguishes between equatorial and subequatorial maritime climates. On the southern and eastern branches of the year, in a subequatorial climate, there are two seasons: rainy (from November to February) and dry (from March to October). However, in many places it is difficult to distinguish seasons, dry and dripping weather alternates spontaneously ... In general approximation, for most of the country, the wet season lasts from November-December to March-April (the monsoon blows from the north-west), from May-June to September-October it is dry (the monsoon comes from the south and east, i.e. from side of Australia).

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