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Как будет читаться буквами? (трнск) did you italians are famous for? italians are famous not only for their art treasures, but also for their inventions and discoveries. italian explorers christopher columbus and amerigo vespucci discovered the americas, and another italian merchant traveller, marco polo, was one of the first europeans to explore the east.

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дид ю италианс а фэймос фо?

италианс а фэймос нот онли фо зэир арт трэжэс, бат олсо фо зэир инвеншонс энд дискавэрис. италиан экспорэрс кристофэр колумбус энд америго веспуччи дискавэрэд зе амэрикас, энд эназе италиан мйорчэнт, марко поло вос уан оф зэ фйост юропианс ту эксплор зэ ист.


1) what is the parrots name? 2) what did he like to eat? 3) who was stole him? 4) how did is grandmother call the parrot? 5) what is the parrots color? 6) what did the sailor teach the parrot? 7) where did the parrot go? 8) what did the sailor want to do with parrot? 9) where does my grandmother and parrot live? 10) where did the parrot live before?

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