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Необходимо правильно написать глагол который в скобках. 1. the wind (blow) hard. shut the window, please. 2. strong wind often (blows) here 3. i can’t understand him. what language he (speak)? 4. what language they (speak) in switzerland? 5. it’s too late. what you (write)? 6. i (write) letters to my mother twice a month. 7. they (stay) at the hotel until their house is ready. 8. in summer they usually (go) to the south and (stay) at a hotel near the sea. 9. look! someone (come) up to the back door 10. you (talk) about my book? i hope you (like) it. 11. where (be) andrew? b: he (smoke) on the terrace. a: i (think) he (smoke) too much. b: yes, he (be) a chain-smoker. 12. a.: what (be) this music? b: it (be) ann. she (play) the piano. 13. - you (come) with us? - i’d love to come. where you (go)? - we (drive) to the lake district. - you (take) the children along? - no, we (leave) them with our parents. - you (mind) if i (bring) my dog? - no. 14. 1. в этой части света солнце садится рано 15. 2. джойс едет в лондон завтра, потому что ее дядя хочет ее видеть. 16. некоторым людям больше всего нравится лето, некоторые любят весну или осень, а другие предпочитают зиму. 17. “где лиззи? ” - “она катается верхом на лошади.” 18. “что делают дети? ” - “они слушают сказку и рисуют.

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Iget up at 7 o'clock in the morning. then i make my bed, wash myself, brush my teeth and do morning exercises. i have breakfast at half past 7. then i go to school. my lessons start at 8 o'clock. i usually have 6-7 lessons a day. i come home from school at 2 o'clock. i have dinner at half past 2. then i read books, watch tv or play computer games. i do my homework from 6 o'clock till 8 o'clock in the evening. then i have supper and go for a walk. i go to bed at 11 o'clock.

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