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Complete the sentences using phrasal verbs. give up, hang up, put on, switch off, switch on, throw away, take off a) our children always their shoes before they go into our house. b) if the criminals want to relax in jail, they the light and sit in silence. c) when the thief had been caught, the police officer him the handcuffs. d) he could never theft of jewelry – it’s the only thing that keeps him alive. e) the first thing the investigators do when they want to know about crimes is their computers. f) the judges never court records because they’re so useful. g) the clients always their coats in the reception room before they go into the law office.

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Ответы на вопрос:

Dasha makes her bed every day.

My mother's wearing a nice dress today.

I can't study. Who's making that terrible noise?

Farida usually does her homework in the kitchen.

What are you doing on Sundays?

Tamara goes to fitness club in the evening, but today she's having a birthday party.

Sam's smiling because he's very happy.


 P.S. Чтобы отличить simple от continuous, достаточно запомнить их слова-маркеры, например у present simple это usually, sometimes, always, never, every day, often и тд, т.к это время означает что действие происходит постоянно, а present continuous это то, что происходит в данный момент времени, чтобы опознать его, достаточно обратить внимание, опять же на слова-маркеры: at the moment, now, today, right now  и тд.

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