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Напишите о стране канада,главное,тип,сколько там человек живёт,что там есть и прочее,6-7 предложении без интернета 7 класс

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currently 37 314 442 people live in canada. that's quite a bit. canada is a beautiful country. canada has an average birth rate. i'd like to go to canada.


canada is the second largest country in the world, in the sizes it is surpassed only by russia. it is located in north america to the north from the usa, its coast wash the atlantic, quiet and arctic oceans. there are 32 millions of people who live there. the capital of canada is the city of ottawa.

the nature of canada is very similar to the russian. here it is possible to see both the tundra, and a taiga, and huge forests, and steppes. the polar lights — not a rarity for canada. the climate of canada is moderate and subarctic, the south of the country is favorable for agriculture.


старался как можно более сжать, вот что смог мини-эссе про канаву

Will you come again? she asked – she asked if we would come again. why are you late? i asked her – she asked why we were late. where were you yesterday? his father asked - his father asked where they had been yesterday. who has broken the window? the teacher shouted – the teacher shouted who had broken the window. where will we meet next time? - she asked – she asked where we would meet next time. what can i do for you? she asked she asked what she could do for us. why are you smilling? - he asked – he asked why we were smiling.если возможно,то краткое объяснение – кратко согласование времён сложно объяснить: если уж совсем кратко, то действия бывают одновременными, предшествующим и последующим. и действие главного предложения может быть в прошедшем, настоящим и будущем времени. соответственно, действие зависимого предложение может происходить одновременно, раньше и позже. исходя из сочетания этих действий, используются глаголы в различных временах.


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