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would you like some juice

yes,please. is there any apple juice?

In a faraway town of brevard there lived a united family in which there were two naughty children. one day, their parents decided to go to the theater and invited a babysitter to stay with the children and then put them to bed.the children were not very happy about the babysitter's coming. when parents were gone, she told the children to behave well. at this moment, there was a noise outside the house and the dog started barking. t he babysitter decided to come out onto the porch and find out what was going on. at that instant, the children decided to make fun of her, they slammed the door and locked it, so the babysitter could not come in. soon the lady got cold and asked the children to let her into the house. the girl opened the door, put the babysitter in a chair and hugged her. while the nurse was warming up, the boy put handcuffs on her hands and chained her to the chair. the children were delighted, they began to rejoice, and to do whatever they wanted. they scattered the toys about the room and were very noisy. the babysitter asked them to stop, but they did not listen to her.some time later, the parents came back and were astonished. they saw what their children had done and shouted at them. the parents freed the babysitter and made the children clean up the room. the scared babysitter ran away home, and the parents decided not to ever leave their children without their attention.

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