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Choose the answer. 1. all my money on the way to the airport yesterday and i couldn't fly anywhere. b) have been stolen d) was stolen 2. this company millions on computers but it doesn't seem to become more efficient. b) had spent d) has spent 3. we had to wait until the light to green. b) will change d) changed 4. i heard the news on the radio while i home yesterday evening. a) drive b) was driving 5. before i left the house it to rain and i had to take my umbrella. a) started c) had started 6. i was surprised that you the football match on television. a) hadn't watched c) don't watch 7. when columbus landed on san salvador, he where he was. b) didn't know d) hadn't known 8. at one time people believed that columbus america. b) discovered d) had discovered 9. the talks in london next week to discuss some problems of terrorist activity. b) will be held d) hold 10. didn't you this horror film last night? - no, i hate such films. a) saw c) see 11. who this ice-cream? - oh, it's mine. i'm just going to eat it. b) don't eat d) hasn't eaten 12. the new building looks awful. - i agree. it very nice. b) doesn't look d) won't look 13. "you spend your free time on playing football", my mother used to say when i was a schoolboy. b) mustn't d) can't 14. you needn't wear your best clothes. you what you like. a) can wear c) might wear 15. i think people look after their cars better than young people. a) elderly c) elder 1. the statue of liberty by gustave eiffel. a) design c) was designed 2. where are your brothers? - they a swimming-pool in our garden. a) are digging c) is digging 3. actually it's a very friendly dog. if you it, it won't bite you. 12. b) haven't touched d) don't touch 4. we forward to a concert in our town. it is next sunday. a) looks c) are looking 5. my mother always moves my books around so i find them. a) can't c) wasn't able 6. i don't like the cafes that don't have chairs and people eat standing up. 13. b) could d) have to 7. there is a big hotel in the middle of park. 14. b) the d) these 8. be sure to pick tomatoes before they get too ripe. 15. c) much d) these 9. i suppose people are spending now money than they used to. 16. b) many d) more 10. was it exciting buying a car? - well, it was a bit of a problem because i didn't have money to spend. a) many b) much 11. once i hated flying, but now i feel nervous about it. a) most c) less 12. someone is calling you. will you answer phone? 17. b) the d) these 13. whose house is it? - it's . 18. b) mine d) our 14. today is cold than yesterday. so, i'm wearing my shorts. a) little b) less 15. "come home christmas day, we'll be waiting for you", my mother always says to me. a) in b) on

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